Should I Go to Yoga Class?

There are good reasons to attend a yoga class. If you find yourself rationalizing why you should skip the next class, dig a little deeper. You’ll probably regret not going, so give yourself a little push and go to yoga class! You know you’ll feel good afterward.

How to Choose a Yoga Studio

While it is easy to be dazzled by a fancy and aesthetically pleasing space, there are other elements that you should consider when choosing a yoga studio. One of the best ways to be introduced to a yoga studio is by a friend or coworker who can make a recommendation. Keep in mind that we all have different tastes, preferences, and standards. Ultimately, it has to be the right vibe for you.

Yoga: Making an Investment in Yourself

People who have not yet discovered the benefits of yoga often ask me, as a yoga teacher, “Why is yoga so expensive?” In response, I suggest the question should not be about how much yoga costs; rather, it should be about how you choose to spend your money. The real question is: Are you consistently making an investment in yourself?

Break Your Yoga Habits

We are creatures of habit. In many ways we can thrive from routine and the feeling of control that it brings. This shows up in our day to day life and in how we practice yoga. Yet, as we know, control is an illusion, and if we can practice being OK outside of its comfortable confines, we can more easily deal with traumatic life events.