Have You Mastered these 5 Points of Yoga?

In today’s fast-paced, high-pressure society, we tend to overcomplicate things when what we really need is simplicity. Yoga is all about cutting through that clutter to focus on self-knowledge.

Here’s how yoga can help you stick to that simple goal, as simplified into 5 key points:


Relaxation is an integral part of yoga. It allows the body and mind to slow down and release tension. Nowadays, our lives are packed with activities and being connected all the time can make it difficult to truly relax.

The good news is that relaxation doesn’t take long to achieve yet helps you stay grounded, balance your emotions and feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

Proper relaxation occurs when physical relaxation meets mental relaxation and spiritual relaxation. A great example is a slow, silent, soothing walk in nature, or lying peacefully in Savasana. Think about how great you feel after final relaxation at the end of yoga class.


Everyone knows how to breathe but it’s difficult to be mindful about it. Incorporating yogic breathing into your day promotes calmness, confidence and energy.

Mentally section the lungs into lower, middle and upper sections. Breathe in sequentially to the lower, middle and top. Exhale from the bottom, middle, top.

Relax the abdominals and feel the belly come out as the bottom of the lungs inflate. The chest rises as the middle fills, then the shoulders rise a bit as the top is inflated. The opposite happens during exhalation.

If this is difficult, start with abdominal breathing which is simply the first part of yogic breathing. Once you’ve mastered this, then work on full yogic breathing.


To keep the body resilient and supple, physical exercise is needed. Regular gentle movements like yoga asanas are adequate to keep muscles strong and the spinal column flexible.

Warm up with a few rounds of sun salutations, then perform some strengthening exercises like dolphin or double leg raises. Each practice should include a forward, backward and side bend, spinal rotation and a balance posture. When time permits, do a few asanas of each type; otherwise hold one asana each for a balanced practice.


Being a yogi doesn’t mean a strict diet but it does require a mindful approach. Eat foods which taste good and make you feel awesome – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

For example, consuming caffeine might give you a boost but if you pay close attention, you may realize that you feel tired or sluggish later on. Foods with extra salt can cause bloating and sugary foods can cause your emotions to swing.

Individuals process foods differently, so pay attention and eat according to your self-awareness – it’s much easier than following a list of what to eat and what not to eat!

Positive Thinking and Meditation

Once you’ve grasped these first 4 points, the next step is to focus on positive thinking. Positivity comes when your body and mind are free from tension and disharmony. Meditation can further reduce negativity by neutralizing it. Meditating with mala beads and mantras can calm the mind, but observing your breath and thoughts are techniques that anyone can do.

Use the 5 Points

Knowing the 5 points of yoga are not enough, you need to bring them to life for yourself. Self-knowledge and awareness can be gained through every moment, so let the past stay in the past and let the future remain unwritten. Be in the present and enjoy your yogic life.